Friday, December 14, 2012

Whispers at Moonrise

Whispers at Moonrise
The fourth book of the Shadow Falls series
By C.C. Hunter
Warning: The following contains spoilers for those who haven’t read the first three books of the series

A chameleon! Kylie Galden, the protagonist we’ve been following throughout the entire series trying to figure out what she is, is a chameleon. But what does that mean? In the fourth book Whispers at Moonrise Kylie has a new quest: finding out what being a chameleon means? Other than her supernatural problems she also has boy troubles. Both Lucas, a werewolf, and Derek, a fae, are striving to get her attention. And to top it all off, Kylie, with her ability to communicate with the dead, has a new ghost following her, with a familiar face!

The third book, Taken at Dusk, ends with Kylie’s deceased father stating that they were chameleon. So what’s Kylie going to do now? When she tells her friends even Holiday, a leader of the camp who Kylie loves like a sister, they all laugh at the idea of her being “a lizard”. Then Derek tells her “I love you,” when she is already in a committed relationship with Lucas.

One day Kylie’s mother unexpectedly comes to Shadow Falls Camp. Kylie immediately asks her mother if someone is hurt, but her mother says the one who is hurt is Kylie. Apparently, Kylie’s mother got a letter saying that Kylie has been sick and is suggested to run some tests. Kylie tells her mother that everything is okay but Holiday and Kylie automatically know that it was the FRU, the police for the supernaturals, who sent the letter to her mother, since they’ve been yearning to run some tests on Kylie, the undefined creature.

Often Kylie feels a calling from the woods, something in there is telling her to come in. But no matter how tempted Kylie is, there is no possible way she can enter, especially after an odd visit from her grandparents. Burnett, another leader of the camp, was able to get ahold of Kylie’s father, Daniel’s adoptive grandfather, and when they came to visit, they weren’t Daniel’s adoptive parents. They weren’t complete strangers either but rather the biological father and aunt of Daniel (but Kylie didn’t know this until after the visit). Since then, they’ve disappeared from the face of the earth, until one day in a turn of events Kylie enters the woods and comes face to face with the people who can solve her problems.

You may ask yourself why her grandfather and grandaunt are being so discreet? Well, we know from the third book that Kylie’s grandmother was killed by the FRU when being tested. Kylie’s grandpa, knowing that Burnett is part of the FRU, wants to stay away from the camp as much as possible due to the trauma of losing her wife. One night when Kylie gets to sneak off campus, she finally gets to ask her granddad: “What’s a chameleon?” He explains to her that it means they have a little bit of everything in their blood. They can change from one supernatural to another; they even can change to human form. When Kylie asks how she can control the transformations he tells her that since it’s a skill that can take a lifetime to master she must go with them and leave Shadow Falls Camp. Kylie refuses, but when her grandfather hears that the FRU is trying to run test on her he insists on her leaving. She still doesn’t agrees.

Kylie can’t leave now! Not when she has a mission. The ghost that has been following her looks like...Holiday, her beloved Holiday. But how is that even possible? With the help of Derek she discovers that the ghost isn’t Holiday rather her twin sister Hannah. Though this may seem like a sigh of relief, with C.C. Hunter it never is. Hannah tells Kylie that her murderer killed her believing it will give him power and he wants more power, so Kylie if doesn’t do something soon Holiday will join her sister in ghosthood.

Throughout the entire series we’ve seen how many problems Kylie has gone through, but in this book the troubles are tougher and life-changing. First, someone is after Holiday but with forgetful Hannah, Kylie doesn’t know who. Second, her grandfather wants her to leave Shadow Falls leaving behind her loved one. Third, she is confused about love. Derek and her have grown closer but she is officially in love with Lucas; however, Lucas is hiding something. Even he has said himself that he has secrets. Want to know more? Well, you're going to have to wait with me until April 30th, 2013 to read the final installment of the Shadow Falls series. Though it seems like a long time don’t worry, I’m here to entertain you. I stress that you read this book! The ending is so breathtakingly shocking!

My Rating:

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Lovely Bones

The Lovely Bones
By Alice Sebold

Murder mysteries, personally my favorite type of mysteries; but it is usually hard to find a really good one. Almost all murder mysteries have similar plots: someone dies and we follow either a cop, a close family member, or some random person who pops into the story, through a long adventure seeking justice. But Alice Sebold takes murder mysteries to a whole new level. We no longer see the aftereffects of a murder through the family’s eyes (or through the cop’s eyes) but rather through the victim’s eyes.

The book contains such an outrageous and captivating beginning that captures a reader’s attention. We follow a young girl named Susie Salmon. At the age of fourteen she is just experiencing glimpses of responsibility, maturity, even love, but on December 6, 1973 it is all taken away. As Susie is leaving school realizing how late it is she decides to take a shortcut through the cornfield. When she is closer to home she bumps into her neighbor, George Harvey; he tells her to follow him for he has built something fascinating that he would like to show her. At first Susie doesn’t know what it is, but when Mr. Harvey tells her to look harder she realizes he build a hut in the ground that is so breathtakingly hidden. He welcomes her to enter, through she refuses him at first she eventually enters the fascinating hut – what a terrible mistake. In minutes Mr. Harvey rapes and kills Susie Salmon.

Susie enters her heaven, in which in this book is a perfect little world of your own with anything you desire, but all Susie seems to do is watch over her family on Earth. At first her parents, Jack and Abigail Salmon, deny that their daughter is dead, until officer Len Fenerman finds and shows them Susie’s hat that is covered in saliva (what Mr. Harvey used to cover her mouth),implying she was dead. Later, they found her elbow. Through Mr. Harvey foolishly left the hat and elbow out in the open, he cleverly disposed the rest of the body by dumping it into a sinkhole. 

As days pass by, a depressed Jack seems to want nothing but justice for his little girl. He then starts to notice how strange his neighbor, George Harvey, is; he decides to talk to him, to see who this man is. When he spoke to the odd man his fatherly instincts told him Mr. Harvey is the murderer. Once knowing what he was sure of, he called officer Len, but as much as Len tried to find evidence, there was absolutely none that indicated Mr. Harvey was the murderer. The only suspect they had was Ray Singh, a fellow classmate of Susie. Ray had a schoolboy crush on Susie and wrote her a love note, later found unread in her textbook, but since he was with his father in a conference during the murder, he was checked off the list. 

From what Susie sees in heaven, her death has caused nothing but trouble to her loved ones. Her father is depressed and going crazy trying to find evidence against George Harvey. Her mother is miserable feeling like an empty mom wanting to escape from her sad reality through a romantic affair with Officer Len. Not only does she affect the relationship between her parents but also the lives of her siblings. Lindsey, Susie’s younger sister, is constantly being told that she looks like Susie, causing a great sadness in everyone. Because of all the chaos Susie’s death is causing in the relationship of her parents, Buckley, Susie’s 5 year old brother, isn’t getting the attention a little boy should. The boy she likes, Ray, is being wrongfully accused of being her murderer. Even people Susie barely spoke to are being affected, like Ruth. When Susie took spirit form and was heading towards heaven she appeared to Ruth; after Susie’s death, Ruth still feels her presence and often writes poems about her. Ruth is already a strange person to everyone – even her parents – and when she starts to write poems about the dead (a.k.a Susie) people find her more weird. Everyone on Earth is falling apart and all Susie can do is sit there and watch. 

This is such an interesting story because we see it through a dead person’s point of view. I think it was a big risk writing it from a dead person’s shoes because no one really knows how they feel and it’s impossible ask them how. It is also is a challenge to keep the story entertaining when the reader already knows who the murder is. I believe Alice Sebold did an outstanding job! I also think it such an engaging story due to the fact that Alice gives a realistic side oh how crazy people get as side effects of depression from losing a loved one. However, there are some unrealistic events in the story which keeps it entertaining. The only thing I can criticize is that I felt the story dragged a little in some points that I didn’t feel like continuing, but overall it’s a great read.   

My Rating:


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Taken at Dusk

Taken at Dusk
By C.C Hunter
Third book of the Shadow Falls series

It seems that as  we go further into the book, the plot gets juicier! So lets jump right ahead! Warning: the following contains spoilers for those who still have not read the first book (Born at Midnight) or  second book (Awake at Dawn).

Based on the second book we know that Derek, a handsome fairy striving to obtain Kylie’s love, has left on a mission for FRU, they police supernatural beings, but it is clearly seen it is just an excuse stay away from Kylie giving her space to figure out who she really loves. Kylie, trying to move on, has grown closer to Lucas, to the point they unofficially make it official. Lately, Kylie feels like she is being followed; when she tells Burnett and Holiday, they suspect it’s Mario, the rogue vampire who has attempted to attack numerous times in the past books. With that being said, Burnett orders that Kylie must have a shadow (someone who follows her EVERYWHERE every minute of the day). When Lucas volunteers to be her shadow, Derek, returning from his trip, surprises everyone by entering the room and volunteering as well, causing a lot of tension. Burnett, one of the head leaders of Shadow Falls Camp, feeling the tension, turns down both Lucas and Derek and says he’ll assign someone else.

What confuses Kylie the most is how cold Derek is with her, yet he persists in shadowing her, so she decides to confront him. As she leaves her cabin to speak with Derek, Della shows her some incriminating pictures of Derek and his ex-girlfriend Ellie. Kylie runs to Derek to demand answers when she realizes she has no right to ask him because they were really never together; he insists that he wants to explain. Derek says he was supposed to investigate a group of rogue vampires but when he saw his ex-girlfriend Ellie (a vampire), he wanted to pull her away from the bad influences. She was lonely and he was hurting, one can finish that sentence. He also tells Kylie that he brought Ellie to Shadow Falls Camp to put her back on a straight path, but has no other feeling for her than friendship. As much as Kylie is hurting, she decides it’s none of her business, Derek can do whatever he pleases, she is with Lucas.

One can see why Kylie sees Lucas as the only one who can comfort her, especially after the whole Derek thing, but it seems like fate doesn't want Kylie happy. When arguing with a jealous Fredericka, she is told that since Lucas has been desperately trying to gain a position on the werewolf council his entire life, they can't be together due to a rule that the council members are only allowed to be with werewolves. Although Lucas repeatedly tells Kylie not to worry, who wouldn't? Besides the boy troubles, Kylie has another mission impossible with a new ghost who can’t seem to remember anything nor tell Kylie what she can do to help.

Kylie has been consistently told “Someone lives and someone dies.” Just as Kylie was, I was personally freaked out by this. On one of Kylie’s regular visits to the falls, with Holiday, the death angels give both Kylie and Holiday a vision that tells them a vampire from Shadow Falls Camp will die. While Kylie wants to figure out who will be killed and how to stop it, Holiday tells her there is nothing they can do. Kylie’s heart aches to know a vampire will die. Who can it be? Will it be Della, her dearest best friend?  Or Burnett, someone who has done nothing but protect her? Tune in in two weeks to find out what happens next.

My Rating:


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gathering Blue

Gathering Blue
By Lois Lowry

Today we will be discussing a book from one of the most well known authors: Lois Lowry.  A person cannot die without reading one of Lois Lowry’s book; she is best known for writing The Giver.  Since The Giver is Lowry’s best known book I've decided to write about one of her other books that followed in The Giver series. How many of you knew there was a sequel? Well, to clear things up, Gathering Blue doesn't continue The Giver’s story; rather it expands on the concept of living in a futuristic world.  

It all starts with teen aged Kira, who recently hasn't had the best of luck. While she defective leg is hurting again, her mother dies, leaving her an orphan; it is said her father was killed by the Beast during hunting season. Kylie wants to continue with her life but with a broken leg, no parents and her horrible neighbor trying to steal her property there is no hope, especially living in a society in which people that are considered “useless” die. Only, to the Council of Guardians Kira isn't useless; her astonishing talent for threading makes her valuable. Even her mother was shock by how quickly she learned to do things. Jamison, a worker for the Council of Guardians, soon becomes her mentor (almost like her lawyer), and convinces the council that Kira can be useful in completing and repairing the Singer’s robe (the person who sings the history of their civilization once a year). Kira isn't the only one the Council has taken under its wing. Thomas, another orphan, has an extraordinary talent in wood carving and has been practically raised by the Council to carve the Singer’s staff.

Now adapting to her new life Kira has to learn how to keep up with what she is being  asked for. Kira doesn't know how to dye threads to make the robe so she is sent to Annabella, an old woman who teaches Kira the plants needed to create colors. Since Annabella lives deep in the wood, Matt, a young village boy who is Kira’s closest friend, goes with her for protection from the Beast. As time goes by both Kylie and Thomas advance in their work preparing for the big day, with some help from Matt. Kylie adapts to and likes her new lifestyle filled with food, clothing, shelter, and even friends. One day Thomas tells Kira that at night he hears crying coming from downstairs of the house they've been living in. Both curious Kira and Thomas go down to investigate, only to find a toddler named Jo who has been weeping every night. Jo explains that since her father has committed suicide, she has become an orphan, and the council has taken care of her ever since due to her breathtaking voice. The council has been training Jo to fulfill their hope that she might  become the next Singer.

As Kira walks to Annabella’s house she hears a sound and starts to run, fearing it is the Beast. Annabella notices Kira is out of breathe once she reaches her house, and Kira then explains why she ran. Annabella only chuckles and says “there’s no beast.” Befuddled, Kira asks Jamison what Annabella meant  but he only says Annabella is mad old lady. The next day as Kira is looking forward to another dyeing lesson she learns Annabella has died. Kira finds it impossible that a strong lady like Annabella could have just died one day, so she starts to analyze the few strange things that have happened in the past. She recognizes a pattern: gifted children suddenly become orphans and are taken under the wing of Council. Then an old lady tells her the Beast doesn't exist, and she unexpectedly dies. Adding to the confusion: Where did Matt go? He just disappeared.     

Well, that's all I can say. If you want to know the ending, pick up the book and read it. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed with the shocking ending. What I  love most about Lowry’s book is that she makes us reflect on what our society may become one day. If you honestly analyze our lifestyles we aren't so far from living under these types of conditions, living in fear and with restrictions. Other than that, she also makes me thank the lord everyday for the freedom I have.

What do you guys think, are we far from living like this? Do we have enough freedom or do you think we  live under the government’s complete control? Leave comments below; I really want to hear your thoughts. Due to some complications I won’t be able to post the next installment of the Shadow Falls series next Friday, rather the following one. Sorry for any inconvenience but this is a great opportunity for those who need to catch up.

My Rating:


Friday, November 9, 2012

Awake at Dawn

Awake at Dawn
By C.C. Hunter
2nd book of the Shadow Falls Series

I deeply apologize for not posting last Friday, but due to Hurricane Sandy there were some complications. I hope wherever Sandy went, everything is okay. I hope everyone got the chance to read Born at Midnight because I am now going to tell you about Awake at Dawn, where things get even more complicated. Warning for those who still haven’t read or finished the first book: the following contains many spoilers.

From the first book, we know Lucas has disappeared and most likely left with Fredericka, who was rumored to be his girlfriend. Therefore, Kylie makes the decision of moving on. As she spends more time with Derek she realizes she has strong feelings for him, and although they never really say they are officially a couple it is implied many times that they are going out. We also know from the first book that the mysterious ghost following her turns out to be her biological father that unfortunately can’t help in figuring out what she is. You may think that compared to the first book Kylie’s life has settle down and doesn’t have many troubles. Think again because with Kylie her life will never be normal.

Kylie has a new ghost following her telling her that she must do something because someone she loves is dying, and as much as Kylie wants to help, the ghost is really hard to communicate with. Other than that, Kylie has been experiencing some physical changes like super hearing abilities, increasing in speed, and a very abnormal growth spurt literally overnight. With these changes, it only adds more frustration to the unknowing of what she is. On top of that, something or someone broke the security system of the campus, and Kylie has the strange feeling it’s following her.

When Kylie thought it couldn't get anymore complicated everything just came tumbling down. Her mother is having doubts of sending her to the boarding school that Shadow Falls Camp will become. Lucas comes back awakening the attraction in Kylie and the jealousy in Derek; Derek starts to reject Kylie, claiming it’s to let her figure out her feelings even though she gave him the official yes. When Kylie discovers that her ex-boyfriend Trey went out with her best friend Sara, she isn’t mad at her friend because she is dying of cancer. Sara has been the one the ghost has been trying so hard to point out to Kylie, the one who was dying. And the cherry on top of the ice cream of troubles: Kylie realizes the one who is following her is the same Rogue Vampire that attacked her in the first book. When she finally comes face to face with him she realizes he is not alone, and they’re seeking something special out of her. Thats all for now folks, so tune in in two weeks from now to find out what happens next. Two weeks may sound like a lot but don’t worry, I’ll keep you entertained because next week I’ll be introducing to you another warming story.

My Rating:


Friday, October 26, 2012

Born at Midnight

Born at Midnight
By C. C. Hunter

It’s series time! The timing of blogging for series are going to be different.  I will be posting about each book every two weeks; giving you guys the opportunity to read the book before I blog about the next one. The first series I will be reviewing is a Shadow Falls Series. The first book is Born at Midnight followed by Awake at Dawn, Taken at Dusk, Whispers at Moonrise, and Chosen at Nightfall. Unfortunately, Chosen at Nightfall doesn't come out until April 2013. However, I’ll be here  to entertain you until it is released. Let’s start!

All supernatural and/or romance lovers come settle down because Born at Midnight is a book for you! The protagonist of the story is sixteen-year-old Kylie Galen, a girl who is going through some rough things: her parents divorcing, her grandmother’s death, and her boyfriend, Trey, dumping her. To top it all off, a man who no one sees but Kylie is stalking her. To make things worse Kylie is caught at a party with underage drinking and drugs. Therefore, her mother  sends her to a summer camp for troubled teens that Kylie’s psychologist recommended. Kylie argues against her mother but like always the daughter loses the fight; next thing she knows she has her suitcase waiting for the bus to be “shipped off” to Shadow Falls Camp. From the minute she gets on a bus she assumes she will be having a terrible summer with FREAKS!

Few of the weirdos are Miranda, whose hair is three colors,  Della, a goth chick, and Perry a dirty-minded boy. Derek is the only one who looks normal but reminds her of Trey. When she gets to the campusmore freaks. She even sees a boy named Lucas, who was once her neighbor, but because of a memory she has of him she thinks he is a freak too.  The two camp leaders named Holiday and Sky enter the hall where all the kids are gathered and asks the campers who came before to leave. Then they asks the new comers to split into two groups: those who know why they are here and those who do not why they are here. Holiday took Kylie and the group of those who don’t to her office; she started to explain to them that they are here because they are supernatural. As Kylie looked at Holiday as if she was nuts, other campers looked relieved, many started saying they always knew they were different. Holiday started telling them what they were: werewolves, vampires, fairies, etc. As she was telling them what they were Kylie still denied that fact supernaturals existed and wanted proof. Holiday did as Kylie pleased and asked Perry, a shape-shifter, to come in and demonstrate his supernatural abilities. Within seconds Perry transformed himself into a unicorn. When Kylie finally believes in supernatural beings she asks Holiday what she is. Holiday explains that she has the talent of ghost whisperingmeaning the man who follows her is a ghostbut is unsure of what she is.

Kylie, hearing this thinks that she is not supernatural, but Holiday isn’t convinced. The fact she can see ghosts, doesn't have the same brain patterns as a human, and was born at midnight all signals she is supernatural. Holiday tells her that her psychologist sent here for a reason and it’s Kylie’s quest to figure out why. As the summer goes by she becomes good friends with her roommates Della and Miranda. The more she gets to know Derek, half Fae(fairy), she starts to like him but claims it’s because he looks like Trey. One day as they have to spend one hour with each other because of their assignments, she realizes how much she likes him and comes close to kissing him, but thinking she only likes him for looking like Trey she brings out the old cliché line of “we can only be friends.”  That same day two men in black suits from the government, FRU, comes to the campus and interrogates Kylie, but it’s unknown why. After the interrogation Lucas asks her why were they questioning her, she lies telling him they were trying to figure her out, thinking he is what the government is after.

One night while Kylie was in her room, she finds Trey sneaking onto campus claiming he wants her back but in reality just wants to toy with her. While she yells at him, she accidentally calls him Derek; Trey looks hurt and begs for her back. Kylie says she’ll think about it and asks him to leave. Things get even crazier in the romance part the book; one day Kylie is paired up to spend an hour with Lucas, and in their little hike she falls for Lucas and ends up kissing him. Surprisingly, Trey happened to be walking in the same path. That’s it for today, tune in two weeks to find out what happens next. 

My Rating:


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Payback Time

Payback Time
By Carl Deuker
(Warning: Spoiler Alerts)

As I've I said before, I am willing to read any book, so to prove that I walked into my school’s library and picked up the first book I saw: Payback Time by Carl Deuker. I scanned the back of the book and then checked it out, to emphasize again I am willing to read ANYTHING! I also want to tell those who are fans of football, mystery, or romance, this a book for you. Am I the only one who thinks that this a weird yet unique combination of fans?
Payback Time takes place in Lincoln High School in Seattle, and all of the action occurs with senior Mitch True, reporter for Lincoln Light. Mitch pours his heart and soul into his reporting; when he receives the news that he has been moved to the sport section of the paper he is disappointed - Mitch doesn't really like sports since he has had bad experiences with them, mostly because he is overweight- but because of his passion for journalism he agrees. Football season is already in full swing, a month before school starts, and Mitch will be talking to Coach McNulty and interviewing the all-star player Horst. Mitch’s partner, photographer Kimi- a girl Mitch seems to have a crush on- joins him, she complains she is bored of all the sports articles being about Horst. Just then they spot a new student passing a football to another unknown man. With his physical appearance and skills they assume he is a professional football player. At first the coach resists their request to interview the new student. Eventually coach relents and calls him over. Coach asks for his name, “Angel”, says the player, he is then requested to toss the football. When Angel throws it was not all as good as he did before, coach laughs at Mitch and Kimi. As tryouts continue they see that Angel is not trying at all to be his best, what is he hiding?
Mitch and Kimi try to figure out what was going on with Angel. Why does he look a lot older than what he claims to be? Why does he look so sad? Why with great skills didn't try his best in tryouts? As the games go on they realize Coach McNulty is trying to hide him. Every time they have a football game the number on Angel’s shirt changes. He also notices that coach doesn't use Angel until the end of the games, but why, when Angel is amazing? When Mitch gets an opportunity to write for the Seattle Times about the football games, every time he mentions Angel it gets cut out. When Mitch asks the head of the Seattle Times why, he learns that the team roster McNulty gives the editor never includes Angel. Mitch and Kimi meet to try to solve this mystery; he also meets with her for “other” reasons, which may explain why he is always running to lose weight. Both Mitch and Kimi draw a conclusion: rumors have been going on that McNulty had lost his position as coach in a university and has been trying to regain it, so he got Angel, a boy who probably got kicked out of his old school for drugs or something, to win the State Championship.
Little by little the reporting team gain evidence to prove their theory, and if they are right they have a story that can open doors to their dream jobs, so they decide to confront Coach McNulty. McNulty laughs, saying they've got it all wrong. After McNulty tells them the truth that puts them in a life or death situation, they must choose between writing a story of a lifetime or protect Angel.

The book is great thrilling football story that I truly recommend for football fans. In my honest opinion I don’t really love the story because there was never part of the book that I felt like I couldn't put down the book. The ending is an odd twist of events, but I am not a fan of it. Most of the suspense takes place during the football games, and I am not a fan of football. Once again this is my personally opinion, don’t take my word for it because maybe you’ll like it. 

My Rating:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Cay

The Cay
By Theodore Taylor (Warning: Many spoilers)

As I ride the train every morning and afternoon I look around me and see that none of the people surrounding me are the same. Each person has a different physical appearance, a different ethnic background, and a different personality, and although we are different we are not afraid to associate with one another. But it wasn't always like this; in the setting of The Cay, people don’t mix. 

The Cay takes place during World War II; the protagonist is a young boy named Phillip Enright who lives with his mother and father in Curacao. As the war advances their home is no longer safe, therefore his mother makes the decision that Phillip will move with her to Virginia, leaving behind her husband, until the war is over. His mother is extremely afraid of planes and thinks it’s safer to go on a boat, but, ironically, their boat is torpedoed by Germans. Phillip is knocked on the head, and when he wakes up he is floating on a raft with a black West Indian man named Timothy. Timothy was one of the crew members on the ship; with his strong capabilities he was able to save himself and Phillip. Growing up with a racist mother Phillip assumes Timothy is an idiotic black man who doesn't know what he is doing. Timothy and Phillip don’t get along; for example, while Timothy wants to ration the clean water Phillip wants to drink as much as he pleases. His head injury and exposure to the sun leave Phillip completely blind.

Finally, Timothy spots an island, but Phillip doesn't want to settle there because he believes they have better chances at sea. Timothy, a very good sailor, figures that they are on Devil’s Mouth, an island barely accessible to boats. Here, they’ll have to wait for an airplane.The relationship between Timothy and Phillip doesn't get any better. Phillip feels superior when he learns that Timothy cannot read or write, and Timothy sees Phillip as a lazy, spoiled brat when he won’t help him build a shelter or hunt. One day both lose it and exchange insults and slaps, which actually opens their eyes that they just trying to help each other. They soon start working together; with the help of Timothy, despite his blindness, Phillip becomes independent as he learns to hunt and build. As if being stranded on a deserted island isn't bad enough, a hurricane is heading their way. Timothy does all he can to prepare for the hurricane but it isn't enough, and everything is blown away. Timothy ties himself and Phillip to the biggest tree on the island, and throughout the entire storm Timothy uses his body to protect Phillip. After the hurricane is finally over, Phillip is somewhat hurt but not as bad Timothy is, and  moments later he dies. Phillip is now alone on the island, blind and depressed about losing his friend, can he survive? 

The Cay is a beautiful and touching story of friendship and survival. The Cay is a really short book that took the author three weeks to write, and even though it can be considered a children’s book I think everyone should read it. The first time I read it I cried. The second time I read it I cried even more.  What I love most about this book is that other than it being a touching story that teaches us not to judge by appearances, it’s also an adventure story that keeps you on your toes wondering what will  happen next.  

My Rating: 4.5

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hide Yourself Away

Hide Yourself Away by Mary Jane Clark

As I’ve told you before I wasn’t always a bookworm; there was a long period in life that I despised books. That all changed thanks to a brilliant teacher who recommended me a wonderful and mysterious book: Hide Yourself Away. In the sensational New York TImes bestseller a mysterious disappearance of Charlotte in Newport, Rhode Island has everyone thinking where she went on such a big night for her. Years go by without news about her; some believe she left with a lover abandoning her children while others think her husband killed her. It isn’t until fourteen years later they find bones, in a tunnel, which was once part of the underground railroad, Charlotte’s family owns. The finding of the bones of Charlotte became the gossip everyone in town talks about; ironically that is the time period Key News decides to visit Rhode island.  

Grace Callahan is a thirty-two year old single mother who is following her dream of becoming a journalist by entering an internship at Key News; if she impresses her bosses she will earn a staff position, giving her an opportunity of a lifetime. Obtaining that position will not be easy due to her ambitious and far younger competitors who also want that staff position. Grace is also dealing with some personal problems, like dealing with her ex-husband who is accusing her of not paying enough attention to their daughter. Grace is a very clever person who little by little starts finding pieces of the puzzle that can put herself and loved ones in danger. 

After Charlotte's bones are found it brings back memories to her daughter, Madeleine, the night of Charlotte’s death. Soon Grace and Madeline become friends; during a party Madeline tells her of the memories she’s been remembering and so close to figuring who killer of her mother is. The next day Grace receives news that Madeline has been killed the night before, many believing it’s the same murder as her mother. As Madeline was being killed, one of the interns named Sam had one too many cups to drink and was throwing up behind the tree witnessing everything. Desperately trying to impress his boss he tells him he has exclusive information of Madeleine's death but will not speak until tomorrow morning’s broadcast. Key News promotes several times that they have an eye witness, intern Sam Watkins, who may know who the killer is; that same day Sam disappears. Another intern, Zoe, is killed by an unexplained car accident after reading the first three letters of the license plate of the killer’s car. Once a person finds a clue they are automatically killed; Grace has been finding little bits and pieces of this mystery. Who do you think is the killer's next victim?

Hide Yourself Away is a page turner that cannot be put down! As a curious person I like figuring out who are the killers are before being told, I create “suspects”, and usually I am right. In Hide Yourself Away it was very difficult creating suspects because the author challenges us with some much information that can make you change your mind of the killer is in an instant. I wasn't able to create any suspects until I read three fourths of the book, and they all turn out to be wrong. When Mary Clark Jane finally relieves the killer I couldn't believe it; you never see it coming!   


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Anonymous Book Worm

I am an anonymous book worm. I am the person you look for when you have an English assignment and just thinking about reading kills you. My goal is to make you love books, because many believe every book has a stupid message and your teacher makes you talk about how it relates to your life. Wrong! There are many different books and you just have to find the right one. I used to be a person who at just the thought of spending my summer day in my hot stuffy room reading some boring book − even one that’s supposed to touch my heart − wanted to commit suicide. In fact I use to read the first three chapters and for my book report write in detail what happened in the few chapters I read, then copy the rest from the back of the book. Thankfully one of my teachers gave me such a thrilling and mysterious book that I never thought my mother would ever say to me “stop reading!” There are so many genres and unfortunately I feel the teachers don’t explore all. I personally love mysteries, the suspense, the not knowing who did it, but others might love romance, inspirational stories, or even biographies. Some think that books are meant to teach you things, but books are also entertainment; it’s like television in your head that doesn't require electricity or your parents yelling about how high the cable bill is.
You should never rely on movies, because even though the director claims that the movie is just like the book, it’s a lie! One can understand that the director can’t add everything in a two hour movie, but sometimes they remove things that ruin the whole story. Next time when a person says “the book is better than the movie” remember that it's usually true. Take The Hunger Games as an example, when Gary Ross removed Madge from the movie it ruined some events that will happen in the upcoming sequel Catching Fire. I bet people reading this that only saw the movie have no idea what I just said.
For the books I will be reviewing, I am willing to read any type of book, so if there is a book that you want to read but want a know a little more about, just send me the title and the author of the book. Or if you just want to discuss a book you really like, I will be more than willing to read it. I will be reviewing books I personally like, as well as, books from typical school summer reading lists, so when its time to choose a book, you can read the review and choose the book you like best.