Sunday, January 13, 2013


By Laurie Halse Anderson

As usual when I don’t have anything to read, I walk straight into the library and check out the first book I see; “Speak” was the lucky one. This is a reminder that I am willing to read ANY type of book, just leave the title and author of the book you want me to read in comments below.

“Speak” is such an inspirational book that I recommend you read it when you’re feeling gloomy. Throughout the book we follow a girl named Melinda Sordino who goes through tough times with no support. Melinda was like every typical girl just wanting to have fun with her BFF, Rachel Bruin, especially when entering high school. The summer before Melinda gets to enter the glorious world of high school, she decides to go to a party with Rachel, a high school party! Unfortunately, Melinda doesn’t know what lies beneath the cheerful party; she overdoes it with the drinks and gets drunk. Meanwhile, senior Andy Evans comes over and flirts with Melinda, a freshman-to-be. Melinda, being in a drunken state is swept away  by the adorable Andy Evans and everything is just peachy. That is, until Andy crosses the line and rapes her. Not knowing what to do, Melinda wants to yell for help, so she takes out her phone and call the cops.

When Melinda finally goes to Merryweather High School, she get off to a rough start. The whole school hates her(for calling the cops), her friends have turned their back, the only friend she has is Heather—a new student who later leaves her, too—and no one knows about the rape. Imagine having to keep such a horrible event a secret because if you told anyone they wouldn't believe you. Each day is dreadful for Melinda; she is flunking all her classes except for art—the only place where she can express herself without getting in trouble. With the help of Mr.Freeman she is able to express her pain through her art, but still she suffers.

As I put myself in Melinda’s shoes this is what I see: I am trapped in a cage filled with terrors, no one wants to help me and no one cares. I am too scared myself to pick the lock and I don’t have the strength that others have. David Petrakis is Melinda’s fellow classmate, whom unlike her is not afraid to stand up for himself, especially against a teacher. Melinda wishes she could be more like David, but with no one supporting her or telling her what to do, how can she speak?

I think the story is truly inspirational and it’s something we can relate too. We all, at one point, have felt depressed and felt the feelings Melinda has, maybe not as extremely as her, but we know what it feels to be trapped and alone. The thing I didn't like about the book was that I felt there should have been more added to the end, the author gave us so many details and inside stories but by the end they didn't contribute to the ending. I felt this story would have been better as a short story rather than a chapter book; the ending kind of left me hanging. Well, that’s all I can say, if you want to hear more about Melinda’s story, check the book out. I recently found out that this book has also been turned into a film starring Kristen Stewart,  so if you want me to do another book vs. movie segment please let me know in the comments section.  I have nothing more to say than, read!

My Rating:


  1. Great review! I read this my sophomore year for English class and I loved it! You're right though, it didn't seem to have enough content to be a full length book and the ending left much to be desired!

  2. Great Summary!. I do agree with on what you said that "Speak" is inspirational. This book really motivates me to become stronger and braver. You should always stand up to for yourself, no matter if someone calls you names.

  3. Great,Great.Great i cant wait to see the movie it seems like it would be a very good movie I love the way you explain it to me but you just don't go to far your OK at this

  4. I've always wanted to read the book ever since I saw the movie. You convinced me that it's worth it. I will check it out in my library. Can't wait for your next post.

  5. I heard about the book, but never got the influence or persuation to really read it. I will definitely try it out soon. Also definitely do another book vs. movie, I turst your opinion. In addition, you should try the Pretty Little Liars series!

  6. Never heard of the book or film but now I wish I did. The book sounds interesting even if the ending leaves you wanting more. Hope to find this book in the nearest library.

  7. This is my favorite book and i love my movie...thinking of Ms. Martinez who read this to us in sophomore year
