Sunday, February 10, 2013

Speak Part 2

Speak Part 2: Book vs. Movie
(By Laurie Halse Anderson)

After finishing the book Speak, I heard there was a film adaptation of it so I decided to do another book versus movie segment. When watching the movie I developed controversial feelings toward it. Using the same structure I used when reviewing The Lovely Bones —judging the actors and plot—I’ve come up with the inconclusive verdict: neutral. Like I’ve said before, neutral to me is I didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it either. Before anyone attacks me with opinions, let me explain why...

Melinda Sordino: Kristen Stewart
Mr. Freemen: Steve Zahn
Andy Evans: Eric Lively
Rachel Bruin: Hallee Hirsh
Heather Connors: Allison Siko
Dave Petrakis: Michael Angarano
Joyce Sordino: Elizabeth Perkins
Jack Sordino: D. B. Sweedney

For starters, when I heard Kristen Stewart played the part of Melinda Sordino I thought it would be a perfect fit. In my personal opinion, in Twilight Stewart doesn’t add much emotion almost like she numb, but these paralyzed emotions are perfect for Melinda, a teen who is trapped within herself. But when I saw the movie my expectations were unmet. For a majority of the movie, where Melinda kept to herself and didn’t express herself, Stewart did a good job, but when it came to the intense moments she didn’t deliver. Then there was Mr. Freemen ,whose physical appearance didn’t quite match. When you think of an art teacher you expect a person wearing a long shirt or a coat splattered with paint. Meanwhile, in the movie his wardrobe was too formal. Zahn didn’t sound or act like how I imagine Mr. Freemen would, but again it’s my imagination and not everyone thinks like me. Overall I think his acting fitted the story and Mr. Freemen’s personality.

Another major role in the story is Andy Evans ( as Melinda calls him “IT”) and I did not like Lively’s acting whatsoever. Andy is an arrogant guy who just does what he pleases, not saying sorry and going after people’s apologies like the movie appeared. Lively on the other hand played him too soft and didn’t portray the characteristics of a horrible and sick human being. There is a reason Melinda calls him “IT”. Rachel Bruin also plays a big role and Hirsh, like Stewart, did a good job in the small scenes but didn’t pull through in the intense moments. Siko stayed true to her character of Heather Connors. Another character who in my personal opinion is very important is Dave Petrakis, and I think Angarano was the perfect fit. Angarano literally made Dave step out of the book; Angarano did an excellent job of giving a nerdy imagine but also did a wonderful job in portraying the brave side of Dave. Joyce and Jack aren’t seen much in the movie but Perkins and Sweedney did a worthy job.

Though I am not a huge fan of the cast, I did love the plot and organization of the film. Honestly, I can say that this movie by far has beaten all movies in “staying true to the book” category; the director added parts that I even had forgotten about. I am not joking when I say that I can’t think of one thing they cut out. Though there weren’t any deletions, there were things added, or more like expanded. One addition I liked was the deepening in the relationship between Melinda and Mr. Freemen, when Melinda shows him her secret closet. Another addition I adored was that we get to see more of the cute crush Dave and Melinda share. Another thing I love about the script was all the symbolism; throughout the entire movie you not only see Melinda’s story through Kristen Stewart but also through other aspects. I especially love the beginning when Melinda draws lines on her lip representing her entanglement.

With this review my overall conclusion is the following: I love the script, don’t like the cast. The script was beyond beautiful but they should fix the flaws of the cast. Many actors were simply not suited for their role. Well that’s all I have to say so leave your comments below. Reminder this is all my opinion please don’t get upset if I have insulted your favorite actor and/or movie. Until next time, read! 

Book vs. Movie

My Rating:


  1. I love the book speak but i prefer the movie because kristen stewert is a good actress

  2. I agree with you. What I like about the movie and the book they are both the same. When I readied the book it made me cry, and the movie was just on point, they did not change anything which I liked a lot

  3. I really enjoyed the book Speak and I even wrote about it for my English Regents. I agree with you the movie was a great adaption of the book and it kept true to the book, but some acting was weak and needed more spice.

  4. I actually didn't read the book, but I would like to because the director usually cuts out the most important parts of the book. Also I like your review on both the book and the movie, and I agree. In Twilight, they make Kristen Stewart act so numb which makes others believe she can't act.

  5. Personaly Ive wacthed this movie and ive also read the book and i really dont feel the same way you do . They kind of seem the same to me but i understand wher your coming from.
